Thought of the Day

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. ~ Jim Ryuh

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Where to Start...........

I have been sitting here for the past hour, wondering what to write. It's not because I have writer's block, it's simply because it has been forever since I've posted anything and I have so much to share. I could go back and continue from my last post and go forward chronologically, or I can start from more recent events and go back.......or, I can just go with whatever comes to mind and hope that you all will stay with me until I have you completely caught up. Oh, what to do...........

Well, I think that at this point, it will be easier to just go with whatever comes to my mind, and then along the way, we will get caught up-just hang with me. :)

So, given that the holidays are here, I am going to start with some tips on how to stay healthy without worrying about adding to your waistline. Fact: most people will gain between 5-10 lbs. during the holidays because they go overboard at the buffet table, and they "give up" their exercising because they are "on vacation" until the new year. Don't fall into these traps.

1-Eat Small Meals
By eating 4-6 small meals throughout the day instead of saving yourself for the big meal at the end of the day, you are less likely to go overboard and fill your plate with unwanted calories. Also, studies have shown that by eating smaller meals throughout the day, you keep your metablolism working, which means you burn more calories faster than by eating 2-3 larger meals.
Another good idea is to eat an apple and drink water before heading to those holiday meals. Doing this helps fill you up (with little calories) and keeps you from binging at the buffet table.
2-Plan a Workout Before an Event
By getting in a good, heart pumping, sweat inducing workout an hour or two before your holiday party, not only will you feel rejuvinated, your body will be in "burn mode" while you are enjoying your meal. Thus, if you should happen to consume a few extra calories, you know you'll be burning them off. Eating foods such as turkey, sweet potatoes and cranberries will help to replenish the nutrients needed after your workout.
3-Healthy Eats
Believe it or not, there are actually healthy & tasty choices among the buffet of temptations. Foods such as turkey, cranberries, sweet potatoes and pumpkin are packed with vitamins and nutrients that your body needs. So, go ahead and enjoy! Just remember, enjoy in smaller portions :) Also, it won't hurt to add a handful of veggies to your plate (minus the dip).
4-Bring Your Own Dish
When invited to any event that includes food, offer to bring something of your own. Fruit platters w/yogurt, veggie trays w/fat-free dip, fat-free chips and salsa are all good to add to a table, and they always go fast!
5-Modify a Recipe
Most people don't know how to modify a recipe, or they are afraid that by modifying, they are taking away from the flavor of a dish. In fact, usually the opposite is true. Simple and delicious modifications: use applesauce in place of oil for muffins; use low-fat yogurt in place of sour cream on sweet potatoes. For a list of ideas on recipe modifications, visit HeartHealthyRecipeModifcations.
6-Watch the Liquid Calories
It's easy to consume a lot of calories, and it's not by eating. Everything from soda to alcohol, empty calories are everywhere! If you choose to drink anything other than water, please be aware of how much you are drinking-better yet, if you must, just drink one and then fill up on water. Most 8-12 oz drinks contain anywhere from 160-300 calories-YIKES!
7-Social Eating
We're all guilty of it, especially at large functions. We gather around the appetizer table and "snack" while visiting; we load up our plates because everything looks so good, and we don't want to offend anyone for not choosing their dish. In the end, we end up feeling so full we think we're going to explode, and then we curse ourselves because we ruined all the hard work we've done over the year. By the time it's all said and done, we are ready to throw in the towel and give up on being healthy all together.
The answer: Fill a small plate with what you really want, walk away from the table and socialize elsewhere. When it comes to sitting down for the main meal, again-take only what you know you will eat, and take it in small portions. It's a much easier way to leave a function feeling not only fed and happy, but satisfied because you didn't ruin your year's worth of health and nutrition efforts.

Here's to a healthy and happy you! Happy Holidays!