Thought of the Day

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. ~ Jim Ryuh

Friday, March 11, 2011

No More Excuses (Part One)

Today we are going to begin tackling the "Nutrition Excuses".
I saw that-Stop rolling your eyes!
Seriously, proper nutrition is more than eating healthy, and it's more important than you think...........
With that said, let's continue. We'll start with some of the top excuses used:

Excuse #1: "I don't need to watch what I eat, I'm skinny".

Reply: Think again! Just because you are thin (skinny), doesn't mean that you are healthy. In fact, I know more overweight people who are healthier than a lot of skinny people. How is that possible? It's usually because those who are skinny aren't getting enough vital nutrients that their bodies need. Sure, they eat-but, usually what they are eating is full of sugar, fat, and carbonation.  On the flip side, sometimes it's because they are half starving themselves. Skinny people may not have a weight issue, but the other health issues they may have can be just as dangerous. In order for your body to maintain health, strength and energy, it requires nutritional balance. More to come about this later.

Excuse #2: "I don't like to count calories".

Reply: I don't either. In fact, when I first started doing it, I thought I was going to lose my mind. BUT, I stuck with it-and after looking through a week's worth of my food journal, I realized exactly how much crap I was putting into my body. I also learned how to hold myself accountable for everything I consumed, which made me accountable for my energy levels and my health. I became more stingy with where I allowed my calories to come from. I began to eat better, and with that I gained more energy, and I was sick less and less. I even found myself losing weight. Really-you only need to "count" calories in the beginning-once you get familiar with the contents of food and what your caloric allowance should be, it becomes second nature. I don't even have to think about it anymore. It really is that easy. I would be more than happy to help you get started.

Excuse #3: "Healthy food has no taste".

Reply: I used to think the exact same thing. I didn't think that anything that was "fat-free", "sugar-free" or "low calorie" could have any flavor. Plus, anything remotely "diet-like" usually had a funny aftertaste.
Well, guess what? In the last two years, I have found A TON of healthy, fat-free, low-fat, sugar-free and low-calorie foods that taste wonderful. I have even been able to broaden my "food horizons" by trying new things and finding that I enjoy them. You would be surprised at how good some of those sugar-free ice cream flavors taste. And, fat-free cottage tastes the same as regular cottage cheese. Oh, I can go on and on........

However, I will end this post now. We will tackle more of those excuses on the next post. In the meantime, I want to invite each of you to keep a DETAILED food journal for one week. That's right- jot down when you eat 20 M&M's (or 50), every doughnut you eat, pretzel, carrot, cup of ice get the picture. It takes some conscious effort, and it will drive you crazy at first-but, aren't you the least bit curious about what you put into your body in a 24 hour period? Just give it a try..............then, go online and look up how many calories are in each of the items you've eaten-add those calories up and see exactly how much you consume on average each day.
Stay tuned for more :) .....................................

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