Thought of the Day

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. ~ Jim Ryuh

Saturday, April 2, 2011

What's Your Motivation?

*I want to look great in a bikini this summer
*I want to fit in skinny jeans
*I want to be able to take my shirt off and not feel self conscious
*I want to have enough energy to keep up with my kids
*I want to run RAGNAR 
*I want to feel better about myself
*I am sick of feeling like crap
*I am tired of not being able to do the things I used to do

These are some of the replies I hear from people when I ask them what's motivating them to become healthier.
The reasons are different and very personal, for everyone. In all honesty, it doesn't matter what your motivation is-it can be anything. What matters is that you find what motivates you and you act on it. You may even find that what motivates you in the beginning may be something different than what will motivate you later on. 
For me; well my motivation changes from time to time. My initial motivation came from two friends of mine who talked me into running my first marathon. This is a story for another time, but long-story-short; it was a disaster. I couldn't bend my knee for a week, nor could I run for a month afterwards. It was a bittersweet time: I was crushed because of how horrible it went, yet proud of myself for even finishing. Within 1 hour after crossing the finish line, I announced that I was going to run marathon #2 the following year-that was my new motivation. I was determined to make it the best experience that I could. That was almost four years ago, and I continue to find new motivation and make new goals all the time. My key motivator in everything? My kids.   

What is your motivation? Really, what is it that will get you to take that leap?
 Are you tired of feeling exhausted all of the time? Are you just looking to tighten up those "soft spots"? Are you looking to get out of a rut? Or, is it something else?
I encourage you to take a few minutes and think about the things that are most important to you, and you'll find your motivation hiding in there somewhere. 
Once you find that motivation, write it down and place it where you can see it every day. Then, make an action plan and place it next to your motivation. The next step: get going. Why wait? Your health is worth working on now. 

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