Thought of the Day

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. ~ Jim Ryuh

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Emotional Eating

When you are upset or stressed, do you turn to food? Do you find yourself eating those "comfort" foods to take your mind off of whatever problem you're facing, only to feel worse afterward? If so, then join the club. As a matter of fact, around 10% of men and almost 90% of women are "emotional eaters". 
Emotional eating has it's roots in actual emotions, that is why it's called emotional eating. So, what are some of these triggers that cause us to raid the fridge or head to the drive-thru?
* Anger
And, the list goes on. People frequently turn to food as a way to make themselves feel better. In reality, not only is their problem they were trying to forget still there, but they have now compounded things by adding guilt and frustration about what or how much they have just eaten. In the long run, this cycle can also lead to physical health problems.
So, how do you end the cycle of emotional eating? Here are some tips to help you through:

1- Think before you eat. 
The next time you reach for that bag of chips or that box of pop tarts, ask yourself: "What set me off?" "How do I feel now, and how am I going to feel after I eat this?" Even if asking yourself these questions doesn't stop you at that moment, at least you are aware of your emotions and you realize you have a choice.

2-If you must eat, aim for the healthier stuff. 
Instead of inhaling those glazed doughnuts or that half gallon of ice cream (yes, I know how emotional eating can be), reach for fruit, veggies, or if all else fails, some chips and salsa. That way, when you are over that emotional roller coaster, instead of feeling like you have a brick in your stomach and creating health issues, you have at least fed your body something of nutritional value and less calories, and your conscience has less guilt. 

3-Find other ways to fill your emotional needs.
When you feel like you are falling off that emotional cliff, go for a walk, a bike ride or a swim. Find a hobby that you enjoy and will take your mind off of your problems. Call a friend and talk until you have made it over that hurdle. Put on some upbeat music and dance until you're able to think clearly again. The important thing is that you break that habit of turning to food for comfort and answers. 

With all of this said, that doesn't mean you need to deprive yourself of all of the delicious things in life. However, there is a difference in eating when you are hungry and eating as a way to "medicate". This requires self awareness and some behavior modification. It takes time, practice and patience. You can do it. 

**If there are underlying issues to your emotional eating that can't be resolved on your own, then it's best to consult a physician for further guidance.

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