Thought of the Day

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. ~ Jim Ryuh

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

No More Excuses (Part Two)

Today, we are going to touch on some of the "Exercise Excuses".........I know, you have been anxiously awaiting this moment. :)

Excuse #1:"I'm too busy"

Reply: Really? You can't find 30-60 minutes anywhere in your day? Hmmmm.....again, it's about priority. Basically, things like television and playing on the computer are more important than becoming healthier. If that's the case, then watch tv while running on the treadmill, or while you're on YouTube, pull up some fun exercise videos and work out to them. If your schedule truly is jam-packed from the moment you wake up until you go to bed, then get up 30 minutes earlier each day and work out then-That's what I found I needed to do. Sure, it was an adjustment at first, but now if I don't start my day with a good workout, my whole day gets thrown off. Get up and get that blood pumping!
 Go for a walk on your lunch break. Get some friends from work, bring your walking/running shoes, and get moving. Having a buddy helps keep you motivated. Better yet, grab your kids, spouse/partner and your dog and go for a brisk walk. Making exercise a family event not only helps bring the family closer, it helps the family become healthier. If your shows are really that important-record them and watch them later!

Excuse #2: "I get bored"

Reply: Change it up! If you do the same thing day in and day out, of course you're going to get bored. During the winter, I usually run indoors (for several reasons). It's during this time of year when I go stir crazy-I have the hardest time being cooped up indoors, staring at the same walls every day. So, I have to mix things up so I'm not bored. Sometimes I run; other times I workout on the elliptical; I do various strength training exercises every day, but I make sure I mix that up as well. When I feel that boredom bug hitting, I hit a Zumba class or a cycling class.
On a side note: my kids love Just Dance and Just Dance 2 on the Wii. I love it because it actually keeps them active instead of sitting like rocks in front of the tv. Well, each week as part of our family night, we have a "dance off" and it can be quite the workout-and, it's fun! The point is, use your imagination and you'll beat the boredom bug.

Excuse #3: "I hit a plateau/I can't lose weight"

Reply: I combined these two because they are similar. There can be several reasons why this happens. First off, everyone "hits a plateau" once in awhile. The reason: our bodies go into "survival mode". Your body hits a point where it feels it needs to hold onto any fat reserves that are available.  Basically, push yourself to the next level. Run an additional 5-10 minutes a day, or raise your resistance level on the elliptical or treadmill, etc. Doing this breaks you through that mental wall and jumps you over that plateau and onto the next level. You'll begin to see and feel a difference, and then that's when you take it to the next get the idea. Also, remember that as you begin to gain and maintain muscle, it weighs more than fat does. But, this is what you want!
As for not being able to lose weight no matter how much you exercise.......the same concept. Another factor could be your eating habits. It doesn't really matter how much you exercise, if you aren't careful with your eating habits, you totally undo all of the work. Here are a few tips:
              1-Portion Control: You've heard the saying "Don't eat more than the size of your fist", well it's true. We live in a "Super Sized" world where we think we have to get the largest portion and actually eat all of it. We eat until we are so full we feel sick. It's time to train your brain (and stomach) to stop eating when you are no longer hungry-not when your stomach feels like it's going to explode. It will take a few days to get used to this, and you may think you are going to starve yourself to death-but you won't. You are just getting your body used to eating like it should, not like it has been.
               2-Don't eat late. Seriously, you are just messing up your metabolism when you eat late. Try to make your last meal (dinner) no later than 6pm, and don't make it a heavy dinner. If you absolutely have to have a snack, then don't make it past 8pm, and make it something light (like a piece of fruit or a handful of popcorn). Eating late not only messes up your metabolism, but it makes your body work harder while you're sleeping at night. You don't sleep as well, and you may even wake up still feeling tired.
                 3-Walk away from the fast food. I won't go into details now (that's another post), but fast food is a great way to guarantee that you won't lose weight. Sure, there are some healthier fast food options, but for the most part, when you consume those burgers, fries, and drinks, you are consuming a lot of saturated (the bad kind) fat, sodium, cholesterol, and sugars. Do your body a favor and STAY AWAY.

Well, that's it for today. We will tackle more over the next week.

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