Thought of the Day

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. ~ Jim Ryuh

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What's Your Excuse?

Nutrition Excuses
"I don't need to watch what I eat, I'm skinny"
"I don't know how to eat healthy"
"I don't like to count calories"
"It's too expensive to eat healthy"
"Healthy food has no taste"
"Junk food tastes so much better"
"I don't like vegetables"

Exercise Excuses                                               
"I'm too busy"                                                  
"I got burned out on exercise"                          
"I get bored"                                                    
"It hurts"                                                          
"I can't afford it"                                               
"I hit a plateau"                                                 
"I can't lose weight"                                           
"I hate exercising"
"I can't stay motivated"
"I can't stay committed"
"I don't belong in a gym"
"I like being lazy"
"I have bad knees"
" I have a bad back"

Any of these sound familiar? Honestly, I have heard just about every excuse in the book why people avoid exercise and eating healthier. In fact, I used to use some of these excuses.
The truth of the matter is, it just isn't a priority. Think about it: when something is important to us, we make it a priority-no matter what it is. We find the time, the money, the motivation, etc. We forget about the excuses "why not to" and find reasons "why to". Well, it's the same concept with your health. This is your body and it's the only one you have-Why not take better care of it?
In my next post, we will discuss ways to tackle these excuses and get on the right track to a healthier you.

But, just for the fun of it, I am curious- What Is YOUR Excuse?

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